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Sunday, May 12, 2013

What is CrossFit?

What is CrossFit?

Video Clips. Duration : 2.32 Mins.

What is CrossFit?

What is CrossFit? CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Anyone can do it. It is a fitness program that combines a wide variety of functional movements int...

What is CrossFit?

What is CrossFit?

What is CrossFit?

What is CrossFit?

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The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding


The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

Inevitably there's a myth that soy protein is horrible for bodybuilding and that if you are any where near serious about working out or building muscle you will stay away from it. In fact, some sites show 'studies' that soy protein and soy products can be detrimental to your health. And while it's true that early claims of soy wonders might not be entirely true, there's also myth that soy protein is bad.

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

First off, there's a concept called the Biological Value Scale that was developed to measure the quality of specific proteins. It basically rates how efficiently your body will use a given protein source. The higher the BV (biological value), the more amino acids and nitrogen your body is retaining from the foods you eat. In sum, it becomes a way to measure the potential for quality muscle growth and strength.

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding
The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

There was a time when egg whites were at the top of the BV with a score of around 100. Since then, whey proteins have toped out the scales around 106-159 BV. This means that whey protein is better used for quality muscle growth.

But first a warning!

This doesn't mean that all you would utilize is whey protein for all your needs. Many times bodybuilders will use a variety of proteins depending on the BV and the times of day and if they just finished a workout.

Let me explain... Your protein needs in the morning are different then the middle of the day and are different again AFTER a workout and again different before bed.

All this means is that no one protein is the best for any given time. But before I get lost... let me show you the biological value scale in a simple form.

Type of Protein :: Biological Value Rating

Whey: 106-159 Egg: 100 Cow's Milk: 91 Fish: 83 Casein: 80 Beef: 80 Chicken: 79 Soy: 74 Wheat Gluten: 54 Kidney Beans: 49

For all these reasons, you can and should see that soy protein is listed lower. That just means it's not the most anabolic of proteins for optimal muscle growth.

But don't get me wrong...

This doesn't mean you shouldn't eat soy protein if you enjoy it. It simply means that barring any religious beliefs or personal preferences, soy would not be the ideal protein source for enhanced muscle gains. This doesn't mean you cannot have it or that it's bad for you.

In fact, let's continue on with a little example.

John Q. Public 13% body fat 184 lbs 160 lbs of LBM (lean body mass)

For simplification we'll just say that for every LB of LBM (pound of lean body mass) John wants to get 1 g of protein.

John should be consuming 160 g of protein a day.

Here's where the myth and some problems come into play! Read carefully.

If you get a vast amount of your protein from less BV sources then optimal (beans, soy) you will not prime your muscles for optimal anabolic growth. John shouldn't be getting 150+ grams of soy protein a day IF he wants to create the most muscle mass and he has no personal reasons not to use better quality sources.

John also won't be in jeopardy of losing muscle or wasting his efforts if he ingests small quantities of soy proteins because he likes them. Having soy in his cereal is not going to make a difference.

The myth that soy will cause men to produce estrogen is when VAST quantities are ingested. Far beyond what any rational person would want to do on a prolonged basis.

A bodybuilder that has soy will not feel any differences, be any less anabolic then another person who does not consume soy at all.

Fact: A long-term metabolic balance study in young men to assess the nutritional quality of an isolated soy protein and beef proteins (VR Young, A Wayler, C Garza, FH Steinke, E Murray, WM Rand, and NS Scrimshaw) was published in 1984 by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Am. J. Clinical Nutrition, Jan 1984; 39: 8 - 15.

After 84 days of two groups, one totally isolated soy protein and the other on beef proteins, found a conclusion that:

"Body cell mass measurements did not reveal any deterioration in protein nutritional status. These observations confirm the prediction, derived from previous short-term nitrogen balance studies, that the nutritional quality of isolated soy protein is high and that this plant protein can serve as the sole source of essential amino acids and nitrogen for protein maintenance in adults."

So let me summarize and review...

Soy is not the most biological available source for optimal anabolic muscle growth. If you were to finish a workout, you would want to ingest some high quality whey protein vs. soy proteins. However, simply having soy doesn't mean it's bad for bodybuilding unless you are getting a majority of your protein from soy products. Then it's not optimal. You'd also need to ingest quite a bit on a daily basis for any negative effects of soy to manifest (specifically aimed at males in this sentence).

Copyright 2006 Marc David

 The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding
Reconditionbattery Click to See More Detail

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding Specifications

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

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The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

What is CrossFit? CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Anyone can do it. It is a fitness program that combines a wide variety of functional movements int...


Friday, May 10, 2013

DB Row

DB Row

Tube. Duration : 0.73 Mins.

DB Row Discover the most unique bodyweight exercises with this new bodyweight training 4-week program packed full of metabolic bodywe...

DB Row

DB Row

DB Row

DB Row


The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding


The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

Inevitably there's a myth that soy protein is horrible for bodybuilding and that if you are any where near serious about working out or building muscle you will stay away from it. In fact, some sites show 'studies' that soy protein and soy products can be detrimental to your health. And while it's true that early claims of soy wonders might not be entirely true, there's also myth that soy protein is bad.

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

First off, there's a concept called the Biological Value Scale that was developed to measure the quality of specific proteins. It basically rates how efficiently your body will use a given protein source. The higher the BV (biological value), the more amino acids and nitrogen your body is retaining from the foods you eat. In sum, it becomes a way to measure the potential for quality muscle growth and strength.

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding
The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

There was a time when egg whites were at the top of the BV with a score of around 100. Since then, whey proteins have toped out the scales around 106-159 BV. This means that whey protein is better used for quality muscle growth.

But first a warning!

This doesn't mean that all you would utilize is whey protein for all your needs. Many times bodybuilders will use a variety of proteins depending on the BV and the times of day and if they just finished a workout.

Let me explain... Your protein needs in the morning are different then the middle of the day and are different again AFTER a workout and again different before bed.

All this means is that no one protein is the best for any given time. But before I get lost... let me show you the biological value scale in a simple form.

Type of Protein :: Biological Value Rating

Whey: 106-159 Egg: 100 Cow's Milk: 91 Fish: 83 Casein: 80 Beef: 80 Chicken: 79 Soy: 74 Wheat Gluten: 54 Kidney Beans: 49

For all these reasons, you can and should see that soy protein is listed lower. That just means it's not the most anabolic of proteins for optimal muscle growth.

But don't get me wrong...

This doesn't mean you shouldn't eat soy protein if you enjoy it. It simply means that barring any religious beliefs or personal preferences, soy would not be the ideal protein source for enhanced muscle gains. This doesn't mean you cannot have it or that it's bad for you.

In fact, let's continue on with a little example.

John Q. Public 13% body fat 184 lbs 160 lbs of LBM (lean body mass)

For simplification we'll just say that for every LB of LBM (pound of lean body mass) John wants to get 1 g of protein.

John should be consuming 160 g of protein a day.

Here's where the myth and some problems come into play! Read carefully.

If you get a vast amount of your protein from less BV sources then optimal (beans, soy) you will not prime your muscles for optimal anabolic growth. John shouldn't be getting 150+ grams of soy protein a day IF he wants to create the most muscle mass and he has no personal reasons not to use better quality sources.

John also won't be in jeopardy of losing muscle or wasting his efforts if he ingests small quantities of soy proteins because he likes them. Having soy in his cereal is not going to make a difference.

The myth that soy will cause men to produce estrogen is when VAST quantities are ingested. Far beyond what any rational person would want to do on a prolonged basis.

A bodybuilder that has soy will not feel any differences, be any less anabolic then another person who does not consume soy at all.

Fact: A long-term metabolic balance study in young men to assess the nutritional quality of an isolated soy protein and beef proteins (VR Young, A Wayler, C Garza, FH Steinke, E Murray, WM Rand, and NS Scrimshaw) was published in 1984 by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Am. J. Clinical Nutrition, Jan 1984; 39: 8 - 15.

After 84 days of two groups, one totally isolated soy protein and the other on beef proteins, found a conclusion that:

"Body cell mass measurements did not reveal any deterioration in protein nutritional status. These observations confirm the prediction, derived from previous short-term nitrogen balance studies, that the nutritional quality of isolated soy protein is high and that this plant protein can serve as the sole source of essential amino acids and nitrogen for protein maintenance in adults."

So let me summarize and review...

Soy is not the most biological available source for optimal anabolic muscle growth. If you were to finish a workout, you would want to ingest some high quality whey protein vs. soy proteins. However, simply having soy doesn't mean it's bad for bodybuilding unless you are getting a majority of your protein from soy products. Then it's not optimal. You'd also need to ingest quite a bit on a daily basis for any negative effects of soy to manifest (specifically aimed at males in this sentence).

Copyright 2006 Marc David

 The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding
Reconditionbattery Click to See More Detail

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding Specifications

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

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The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding Discover the most unique bodyweight exercises with this new bodyweight training 4-week program packed full of metabolic bodywe...


Sunday, April 28, 2013

★Workout Finishers★

★Workout Finishers★

Video Clips. Duration : 0.47 Mins.

★Workout Finishers★

Get DISCOUNT for Workout Finishers: Workout finishers is the most effective add-on system that compliments any ex...

★Workout Finishers★

★Workout Finishers★

★Workout Finishers★

★Workout Finishers★

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The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1


The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

All About Abs

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

What You Really Need to Know About Abdominals: Two Key Concepts You Must Meet to Let Out the 6 Pack

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1
The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

Introduction - Understanding the Abdominals


You are about to learn about a region of the body that almost everybody wants but somehow the secrets escape them. The weight loss industry may be a billion dollar a year market but a close second is all the late night infomercials about abs, 6 packs, 6 second abs and how to get ready for the beach and show off that region.

When it comes to abdominal training there are two basic areas of confusion. First, the myth exists that a 'specific' region exists like the 'lower abdominals.' Many people will claim their upper ab region is developing just fine but the lower abs are not responding to training. They are looking for a magic lower ab exercise that will target that region. If you do a search for any muscular images of the abdominals, it's clear that the rectus abdominus (a long winded name for the abs) is just a single muscle running from the sternum to the pelvis. These 'lower abdominals' simply don't exist.

The reason the lower region seems to be less responsive to training is that it is a natural fat storage area! Simply put, your entire ab region is probably responding to overall training but the lower region is simply not showing because it is covered up by a layer of fat. That area just happens to be the place that fat is the last to go. Very simply, the lower abdominal area is benefiting from your crunches and reverse crunches. The problem is, you just can't see it!

TEST: If you don't believe this then try this simple test: lie down on the floor in a typical crunch position. Place one hand on your lower abdominal area and the other on your upper abdominal area. Now perform a slowing crunching movement. You will feel both areas contract simultaneously as you curl up.

The second area of confusion revolves around exercise selection. Almost everybody still continues to perform hanging leg raises, knee-ups or similar exercises in an attempt to target the 'lower abs.' While these exercises do affect the abdominal area, they are not the best selection.

It's easy to clear up this exercise selection confusion if you understand the differences between the hip-flexion and trunk-flexion. A muscle called the psoas and related muscles (this is located deep against the spine) are responsible for hip-flexion while your abdominals are responsible for trunk-flexion.

Hip Flexion: Occurs when your lift your knee (or knees) towards your chest. For example, when you do a hanging knee-up, you will feel a burning sensation in the lower abdominal region (this alone convinces most people it's working that area). What is actually happening is the psoas is being stressed. You'll never be lean enough to see this muscle! Of course the abdominals are involved in this exercise for stabilization but it's not the primary muscle and so it's not the most effective. Other concerns revolve around the psoas being overworked that can lead to back problems.

Trunk Flexion: Occurs when you perform an exercise where the pelvis and sternum approach each other during the movement. At this point, you are in a state of maximal trunk flexion. Going any further and you'll engage the psoas muscle and you will be using hip-flexion (like in a full sit-up). When you train your abdominals you need to flex (or contact) your trunk.

FACT: For effective abdominal training, stick with trunk flexion movements (crunches and reverse crunches).

This series will focus on trunk flexion exercises so that tension is directly on the abdominals as that is the primary muscle we want to work. [Other muscles involved in stabilization will be involved but will not be the primary focus.]

That's all! The abdominals are just a muscle like everything else. There's nothing special about them that makes them any harder to obtain or develop then any other muscle group. Still, there are thousands of messages on community forums and fitness gurus everywhere get hundreds of messages a day regarding this. Not to mention the countless ab technology products that appear in stores every year promising a faster, easier way to get ripped abs. The purpose of this report is to tell you exactly step-by- step what you need to do to get ripped abdominals.

The Myths of Ripped Abdominals: - Countless crunches - Working them out every day - Strange machines or dangerous exercises - Fad diets - Fat burner pills - Marathon cardio sessions - Targeting lower and upper regions

The Secret of Ripped Abdominals: - Low percentage of body fat - Having the muscle to show

Did I just blow the end of the story for you? Hopefully not.

Key Concept #1: You Must Have a Low Percentage of Body Fat For starters, if you have a layer of body fat covering the region, you will never be able to show the abs. For men, this is the LAST place the fat will disappear from which makes it the hardest body part to show.

You "get abs" from reducing your body fat and you reduce body fat mostly through diet and cardio..

And yet, somehow this concept escapes people. In order for the abs to show proudly, you must have a low percentage of body fat! There's really not a whole lot more to it.

Men: 10% or lower Women: 15% or lower

Why is that so difficult for most people?

Simple. In order to get your body fat that low you must be absolutely focused on your diet and fat burning metabolism. 99% of people (including myself) are not as perfect on the diet as to burn off our natural body fat stores. So in order to get rid of that last layer, you must burn off the last remaining body fat stores. And to do that you must have great nutrition habits (above and beyond just being active).

Key Concept #2: You Must Have Abs to Show

First off...

If you are 110 lbs and just skin and bones and 3% body fat but no muscle really, then it's not a surprise why your abs aren't popping out every time you take off your shirt. There are a few people I've run across that are well below the 10% body fat limit and yet they are puzzled when their abdominals don't show. That's almost as easy as 1+1. You MUST have abs to show!

You can have a low body fat percentage but if you don't have anything to show, you'll just see a flat stomach (which is good) but no definition and certain no 'packs.' There are also individuals who have 15% body fat but their abs are so developed they can show off a 4-pack. While they don't have that low of a body fat percentage to classify as 'ripped' they do have great development and certainly the muscle is there. Just think what it might look like on them if they were to be 10% or lower?!

That's where ab exercises come into play. Performing key abdominal exercises is a key to developing the trunk region to the fullest. Many people are looking for the illusive lower ab exercise or performing exercises they believe to target a certain region but are really working the wrong muscle. Having abs is as simple as doing the right core exercises. That will be part of the 6 months of ab training at the end of this series.

Now that you understand some key concepts in order to get the abs to show, let's figure out how to eliminate that annoying layer of fat around them...

Stay tuned for Part 2 that will discuss why nutrition is 90% or More of Your Success.

Copyright 2006 Marc David

 The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1
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The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1 Specifications

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

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The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

Get DISCOUNT for Workout Finishers: Workout finishers is the most effective add-on system that compliments any ex...


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mass Machine Leg Training - Teen Training with Ronnie La Cour - Video #6

Mass Machine Leg Training - Teen Training with Ronnie La Cour - Video #6

Video Clips. Duration : 22.15 Mins.

Mass Machine Leg Training - Teen Training with Ronnie La Cour - Video #6

In this video, Skip La Cour takes his 19 year old nephew Ronnie La Cour through a Mass Machine Training Leg workout. Click the link below to download a free ...

Mass Machine Leg Training - Teen Training with Ronnie La Cour - Video #6

Mass Machine Leg Training - Teen Training with Ronnie La Cour - Video #6

Mass Machine Leg Training - Teen Training with Ronnie La Cour - Video #6

Mass Machine Leg Training - Teen Training with Ronnie La Cour - Video #6

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Creatine and Teenagers

Creatine and Teenagers


Creatine and Teenagers

Continually in the news people see the questions about creatine and a teenager. Especially in high school sports where in some cases the supplement has been banned. But if you have read the creatine article entitled "Creatine: What is it?" you will certainly know it's not banned because it's an illegal or dangerous supplement.

Creatine and Teenagers

In fact, the best general article to read when it comes to creatine side effects is The Truth About Creatine Side Effects. You'll certainly understand when you read that creatine article that in general, the side effects of this supplement are minor and usually related to stomach discomfort. This rule applies to "individuals" in general. But I'm getting ahead of myself...

Creatine and Teenagers
Creatine and Teenagers

Creatine is not a steroid. Creatine is a naturally occurring substance is generally safe for men, women and teenagers.

Before the teenagers (under 18 crowd) start cheering I'm actually going to state the opposite even though in my own non-medical opinion I feel there's no peer research to show any negative side effects.

Creatine and teenagers just don't mix.

Before I get booed off the stage, please bear in mind that in general (men, women, teens) nutrition and training are 97% of the puzzle and supplements are around 3%. With this in mind, taking or not taking creatine as a teenager is literally going to make very little different in the scheme of things. Ask yourself a question if you are under 18 before you roll your eyes.

Can you answer the following questions? (True or False)

*You know how many calories you need a day to reach your goals?

*You know exactly how much protein you need a day?

*You always have a plan when you workout?

*Your workouts are never boring.

*You've never hit a plateau?

*You don't miss a meal?

*You have short, medium and long term goals?

Because 99.99999% of teenagers will answer false to at least one of those questions. Mostly questions 1 and 2.

My point is...

While there's not any scientific research to conclusively prove that creatine and teenager is harmful whatsoever, it's my belief that while you are under 18 and still growing, there's no reason to take any sports supplements unless you can answer true to all of the above questions and are responsible enough to follow directions per the supplement and be mature enough to quit if you experience any creatine side effects that you feel are negative.

There's not a whole lot of good reason to take creatine as a teenager. You'll get far more benefits as an adult when you've had more training experience under your belt and a few more years of solid nutritional fundamentals. The 3% that supplements will make does not outweigh any 'potential' creatine side effects you may experience at such a young age.

And while it's true that science does not prove taking creatine is in any way negative, it's just a common good practice that individuals who are still growing just focus on a solid nutritional diet and not worry about additional ways to gain a small advantage.

 Creatine and Teenagers

Creatine and Teenagers
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Creatine and Teenagers

Creatine and Teenagers Specifications

Creatine and Teenagers

Creatine and Teenagers

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Creatine and Teenagers

In this video, Skip La Cour takes his 19 year old nephew Ronnie La Cour through a Mass Machine Training Leg workout. Click the link below to download a free ...


Monday, April 22, 2013

The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Pdf Full FREE! Download it before link goes down..

The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Pdf Full FREE! Download it before link goes down..

Video Clips. Duration : 3.85 Mins.

The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Pdf Full FREE! Download it before link goes down..

Click Here to download The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Pdf Full FREE! Download it before link goes down. The Soman...

The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Pdf Full FREE! Download it before link goes down..

The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Pdf Full FREE! Download it before link goes down..

The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Pdf Full FREE! Download it before link goes down..

The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Pdf Full FREE! Download it before link goes down..

No URL The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Pdf Full FREE! Download it before link goes down..

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?


How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to pack on the muscle in a short period of time, while others might be overjoyed when you put on 5-6 lbs of lean body mass in a year?

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

It's about how much muscle can you build and the answer isn't just so straight forward or simple.

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?
How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

Consider the following: The average man has between 30% to as much as 60% of his lean body mass as actual muscle. The average women has between 25% to 50% of her lean body mass as actual muscle.

Muscular growth is rarely a liner process and tends to come in a series of cycles.

"You cannot calculate your actual muscle gain, short of having a biopsy." - Jeremy Likeness, Certified Personal Trainer and Body Transformation Expert

That means that no matter what you eat, how hard you train or what supplements you take, muscle growth will never come at a predicable steady rate. This makes those 10-12 pounds of muscle a year for a natural bodybuilder a myth along with any other hard numbers telling you how much actual muscle to expect or any references to the actual rate of growth.

Here's just a short list of the things that can influence your muscle growth:
holidays injuries illness nutrition training sleep medications complications called "life" and more...

By the way...

Some people are genetically predisposed at packing on lean body mass and can just look at a weight and gain muscle (you know those people right?). Others have to work like the dickens to just gain an ounce of muscle and their rate of growth is slower.

Researchers from the Netherlands, Van Etten, L.M., Verstappen, F.T., & Westerterp, K.R. studied the effect of body build on weight-training-induced adaptations in body composition and muscular strength. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 26, 515-521. In the study they found that men with a "solid" build gained more muscle than men with a "slender" build following a 12-week weight-training program .

Although fat-free mass increased in both groups, the slender guys gained only 0.7 pounds (0.3 kilograms) versus 3.5 pounds (1.6 kilograms) in the solid group. My point is...

The nearer you get to your muscular genetic potential, the slower the gains will be. This is known by exercise professionals as the ceiling of adaptation. The longer you've been training, the slower your gains will be. Somebody like me who's been training for 17 years will gain less muscle mass than a new trainer who's just started out in the first 6 weeks.

So what does this mean to you?

That being said, based on the consensus of the available studies, the average trainee can gain roughly 2-4% of their initial weight in the form of muscle after 6 weeks of regular resistance exercise. These figures are based on the results of studies using trained subjects with a body fat percentage of 10-15%. Extremely lean or obese individuals would be hard to predict.

None of the studies I could find made reference to a female's ability to build muscle so my best guess is about half of the male studies but I can't prove that as there's no research to fall back on. Let's face it...

How much muscle can I gain is not a linear approach. You won't keep growing at the same rate forever. In fact, the studies that do reference muscle growth were only on male trainees in the first 6 weeks of training. That seems somewhat predictable but after those 6 weeks, you need to know what to expect and it's not going to be the same number week after week or year after year.

Over the course of a year, it's rare for people to add more than 25 lbs of muscle but it's very possible for them to add more than 25 lbs of lean body mass. Lean body mass defined as a combination of anything that is not fat. And that's why...

Increasing your lean body mass is something you can track and calculate and should be your focal point to determine your progression. How much muscle you build in a given time period is not because it's not a linear process and it can't realistically be determined short of a biopsy.

"A beginner on a decent training and nutrition program might be able to gain 25 pounds of muscle in their first year of training. In year two, we can cut that number in half, giving you a gain of 10-12 pounds. In year three, the gains will be halved again, giving you 5-6 pounds of new muscle." - Christin

If you are gaining more lean body mass that is generally a positive because you are gaining more muscle than fat. For most weight-gainers, .5 pounds per week would be an even more realistic goal as they reach their genetic limit. Frankly...

Staying focused on your goal by training intensely, eating consistency and engaging in proper recovery are things you can control and will result in your optimization of lean body mass.

Remember that gaining muscle is a long-term project. If you're dedicated and consistent in your efforts, you will not be disappointed.

 How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?
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How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really? Specifications

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

Click Here to download The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Pdf Full FREE! Download it before link goes down. The Soman...


Saturday, April 20, 2013

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?


How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to pack on the muscle in a short period of time, while others might be overjoyed when you put on 5-6 lbs of lean body mass in a year?

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

It's about how much muscle can you build and the answer isn't just so straight forward or simple.

How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?
How Much Muscle Can I Build, Really?

Consider the following: The average man has between 30% to as much as 60% of his lean body mass as actual muscle. The average women has between 25% to 50% of her lean body mass as actual muscle.

Muscular growth is rarely a liner process and tends to come in a series of cycles.

"You cannot calculate your actual muscle gain, short of having a biopsy." - Jeremy Likeness, Certified Personal Trainer and Body Transformation Expert

That means that no matter what you eat, how hard you train or what supplements you take, muscle growth will never come at a predicable steady rate. This makes those 10-12 pounds of muscle a year for a natural bodybuilder a myth along with any other hard numbers telling you how much actual muscle to expect or any references to the actual rate of growth.

Here's just a short list of the things that can influence your muscle growth:
holidays injuries illness nutrition training sleep medications complications called "life" and more...

By the way...

Some people are genetically predisposed at packing on lean body mass and can just look at a weight and gain muscle (you know those people right?). Others have to work like the dickens to just gain an ounce of muscle and their rate of growth is slower.

Researchers from the Netherlands, Van Etten, L.M., Verstappen, F.T., & Westerterp, K.R. studied the effect of body build on weight-training-induced adaptations in body composition and muscular strength. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 26, 515-521. In the study they found that men with a "solid" build gained more muscle than men with a "slender" build following a 12-week weight-training program .

Although fat-free mass increased in both groups, the slender guys gained only 0.7 pounds (0.3 kilograms) versus 3.5 pounds (1.6 kilograms) in the solid group. My point is...

The nearer you get to your muscular genetic potential, the slower the gains will be. This is known by exercise professionals as the ceiling of adaptation. The longer you've been training, the slower your gains will be. Somebody like me who's been training for 17 years will gain less muscle mass than a new trainer who's just started out in the first 6 weeks.

So what does this mean to you?

That being said, based on the consensus of the available studies, the average trainee can gain roughly 2-4% of their initial weight in the form of muscle after 6 weeks of regular resistance exercise. These figures are based on the results of studies using trained subjects with a body fat percentage of 10-15%. Extremely lean or obese individuals would be hard to predict.

None of the studies I could find made reference to a female's ability to build muscle so my best guess is about half of the male studies but I can't prove that as there's no research to fall back on. Let's face it...

How much muscle can I gain is not a linear approach. You won't keep growing at the same rate forever. In fact, the studies that do reference muscle growth were only on male trainees in the first 6 weeks of training. That seems somewhat predictable but after those 6 weeks, you need to know what to expect and it's not going to be the same number week after week or year after year.

Over the course of a year, it's rare for people to add more than 25 lbs of muscle but it's very possible for them to add more than 25 lbs of lean body mass. Lean body mass defined as a combination of anything that is not fat. And that's why...

Increasing your lean body mass is something you can track and calculate and should be your focal point to determine your progression. How much muscle you build in a given time period is not because it's not a linear process and it can't realistically be determined short of a biopsy.

"A beginner on a decent training and nutrition program might be able to gain 25 pounds of muscle in their first year of training. In year two, we can cut that number in half, giving you a gain of 10-12 pounds. In year three, the gains will be halved again, giving you 5-6 pounds of new muscle." - Christin

If you are gaining more lean body mass that is generally a positive because you are gaining more muscle than fat. For most weight-gainers, .5 pounds per week would be an even more realistic goal as they reach their genetic limit. Frankly...

Staying focused on your goal by training intensely, eating consistency and engaging in proper recovery are things you can control and will result in your optimization of lean body mass.

Remember that gaining muscle is a long-term project. If you're dedicated and consistent in your efforts, you will not be disappointed.

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Friday, April 19, 2013

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The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1


The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

All About Abs

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

What You Really Need to Know About Abdominals: Two Key Concepts You Must Meet to Let Out the 6 Pack

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1
The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

Introduction - Understanding the Abdominals


You are about to learn about a region of the body that almost everybody wants but somehow the secrets escape them. The weight loss industry may be a billion dollar a year market but a close second is all the late night infomercials about abs, 6 packs, 6 second abs and how to get ready for the beach and show off that region.

When it comes to abdominal training there are two basic areas of confusion. First, the myth exists that a 'specific' region exists like the 'lower abdominals.' Many people will claim their upper ab region is developing just fine but the lower abs are not responding to training. They are looking for a magic lower ab exercise that will target that region. If you do a search for any muscular images of the abdominals, it's clear that the rectus abdominus (a long winded name for the abs) is just a single muscle running from the sternum to the pelvis. These 'lower abdominals' simply don't exist.

The reason the lower region seems to be less responsive to training is that it is a natural fat storage area! Simply put, your entire ab region is probably responding to overall training but the lower region is simply not showing because it is covered up by a layer of fat. That area just happens to be the place that fat is the last to go. Very simply, the lower abdominal area is benefiting from your crunches and reverse crunches. The problem is, you just can't see it!

TEST: If you don't believe this then try this simple test: lie down on the floor in a typical crunch position. Place one hand on your lower abdominal area and the other on your upper abdominal area. Now perform a slowing crunching movement. You will feel both areas contract simultaneously as you curl up.

The second area of confusion revolves around exercise selection. Almost everybody still continues to perform hanging leg raises, knee-ups or similar exercises in an attempt to target the 'lower abs.' While these exercises do affect the abdominal area, they are not the best selection.

It's easy to clear up this exercise selection confusion if you understand the differences between the hip-flexion and trunk-flexion. A muscle called the psoas and related muscles (this is located deep against the spine) are responsible for hip-flexion while your abdominals are responsible for trunk-flexion.

Hip Flexion: Occurs when your lift your knee (or knees) towards your chest. For example, when you do a hanging knee-up, you will feel a burning sensation in the lower abdominal region (this alone convinces most people it's working that area). What is actually happening is the psoas is being stressed. You'll never be lean enough to see this muscle! Of course the abdominals are involved in this exercise for stabilization but it's not the primary muscle and so it's not the most effective. Other concerns revolve around the psoas being overworked that can lead to back problems.

Trunk Flexion: Occurs when you perform an exercise where the pelvis and sternum approach each other during the movement. At this point, you are in a state of maximal trunk flexion. Going any further and you'll engage the psoas muscle and you will be using hip-flexion (like in a full sit-up). When you train your abdominals you need to flex (or contact) your trunk.

FACT: For effective abdominal training, stick with trunk flexion movements (crunches and reverse crunches).

This series will focus on trunk flexion exercises so that tension is directly on the abdominals as that is the primary muscle we want to work. [Other muscles involved in stabilization will be involved but will not be the primary focus.]

That's all! The abdominals are just a muscle like everything else. There's nothing special about them that makes them any harder to obtain or develop then any other muscle group. Still, there are thousands of messages on community forums and fitness gurus everywhere get hundreds of messages a day regarding this. Not to mention the countless ab technology products that appear in stores every year promising a faster, easier way to get ripped abs. The purpose of this report is to tell you exactly step-by- step what you need to do to get ripped abdominals.

The Myths of Ripped Abdominals: - Countless crunches - Working them out every day - Strange machines or dangerous exercises - Fad diets - Fat burner pills - Marathon cardio sessions - Targeting lower and upper regions

The Secret of Ripped Abdominals: - Low percentage of body fat - Having the muscle to show

Did I just blow the end of the story for you? Hopefully not.

Key Concept #1: You Must Have a Low Percentage of Body Fat For starters, if you have a layer of body fat covering the region, you will never be able to show the abs. For men, this is the LAST place the fat will disappear from which makes it the hardest body part to show.

You "get abs" from reducing your body fat and you reduce body fat mostly through diet and cardio..

And yet, somehow this concept escapes people. In order for the abs to show proudly, you must have a low percentage of body fat! There's really not a whole lot more to it.

Men: 10% or lower Women: 15% or lower

Why is that so difficult for most people?

Simple. In order to get your body fat that low you must be absolutely focused on your diet and fat burning metabolism. 99% of people (including myself) are not as perfect on the diet as to burn off our natural body fat stores. So in order to get rid of that last layer, you must burn off the last remaining body fat stores. And to do that you must have great nutrition habits (above and beyond just being active).

Key Concept #2: You Must Have Abs to Show

First off...

If you are 110 lbs and just skin and bones and 3% body fat but no muscle really, then it's not a surprise why your abs aren't popping out every time you take off your shirt. There are a few people I've run across that are well below the 10% body fat limit and yet they are puzzled when their abdominals don't show. That's almost as easy as 1+1. You MUST have abs to show!

You can have a low body fat percentage but if you don't have anything to show, you'll just see a flat stomach (which is good) but no definition and certain no 'packs.' There are also individuals who have 15% body fat but their abs are so developed they can show off a 4-pack. While they don't have that low of a body fat percentage to classify as 'ripped' they do have great development and certainly the muscle is there. Just think what it might look like on them if they were to be 10% or lower?!

That's where ab exercises come into play. Performing key abdominal exercises is a key to developing the trunk region to the fullest. Many people are looking for the illusive lower ab exercise or performing exercises they believe to target a certain region but are really working the wrong muscle. Having abs is as simple as doing the right core exercises. That will be part of the 6 months of ab training at the end of this series.

Now that you understand some key concepts in order to get the abs to show, let's figure out how to eliminate that annoying layer of fat around them...

Stay tuned for Part 2 that will discuss why nutrition is 90% or More of Your Success.

Copyright 2006 Marc David

 The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1
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The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Turbulence Training Review | Is Turbulence Training Any Good?

Turbulence Training Review | Is Turbulence Training Any Good?

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Turbulence Training Review | Is Turbulence Training Any Good?

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How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?

How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?


How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?

How Do I Calculate Caloric Needs Based On My Goal (gain/loss/maintain)?

How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?

Listen, figuring out how many calories a day you need to lose weight, maintain your weight or gain weight really isn't too hard. And with the formula I'm about to give you plus a very cool website, you can easily track where you are and what you need to do daily to reach your goals. So lets' begin!

How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?
How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?


Step 1:

Take your current body weight in pounds (lbs) and multiply by 11.

Example: 194 lbs x 11 = 2134 calories

This is what I need to just keep what I have, without moving. But remember, you do move. So you have to then calculate your metabolic factors into this... so off to step 2...

Step 2:

Figure out your metabolic factor according to the table below.

But first, some definitions to help you determine where you might fit in:

Slow Metabolism: You basically look at food and you seem to put on pounds. You can gain weight by eating salads but it's difficult to lose the weight.

Moderator Metabolism: You can gain weight if you try. You can lose weight if you try. You really don't have trouble losing weight depending on what you want to do.

Fast Metabolism: You are the skinny guy or gal who can eat *ANYTHING* and it makes no difference. Gaining weight is difficult. Losing weight can happen overnight. Just by watching T.V. you seem to shed pounds.

Metabolic %

Under 30 years old

Slow Metabolism- 30%

Moderate Metabolism- 40%

Fast Metabolism- 50%

30-40 years old

Slow Metabolism- 25%

Moderate Metabolism- 35%

Fast Metabolism- 45%

Over 40 years old

Slow Metabolism- 20%

Moderate Metabolism- 30%

Fast Metabolism- 40%

Example: 2134 calories x 35% = 746.90

I took my calories needed above just to sit here and not move and multiplied it by my metabolic factor and I find that I need an additional 746.90 calories because of my specific metabolism.

Step 3:

Put it together.

2134 + 746.90 = 2880.90 calories

I need 2,880.90 calories to maintain my current weight with my current activities.

Note: You can also adjust your metabolic factor if you do something that might take you to the next level. If you are a moderator metabolism person but you do distance running, it might make more sense to put your self in the fast category since you burn a lot more calories.

Step 4:

Now change the above with about 500 calories every day to reach your goals!

Lose Weight: I would take 2880.90 - 500 = 2380.90

Maintain Weight: I would just leave it at 2880.90 and continue what I was doing in my activities

Gain Weight: I would take 2880.90 + 500 = 3380.90

Note: 500 calories a day is just a general term everybody uses to say that adding this amount is within safe limits. Eat too much, and you end up storing fat. Cut too many calories and your body just goes into starvation mode and ends up retaining more fat. 500 is a safe, recommended guideline.

Step 5:

You must track what you are eating so you'll know if you've made your goal for the day. And tracking food does not have to be complicated with weights and scales.

It's a shame that so many people just start training and never figure out what they need to eat daily to reach their goals.

You can keep doing the math over and over as you reach a goal. If you are bulking, your requirements will change as you progress. And when you lose weight they will as well. You might want to lose weight, reach a target weight and then maintain. So you will do this formula again when you have hit the weight you want.

 How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?

How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?
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How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?

How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?

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How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day? Turbulence Training Review Women. Turbulence Training is perfect for busy men and women who want to burn fat in the comfort of their ow...


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Metabolic Prowler Butt Kick - Anabolic Cooking PDF Free

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms

How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms

How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms


How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms

Hats off to a very brave woman who stepped up and finally wanted to get rid of the flabby arms and the sooner the better. Luckily for her, this problem is quite common and the solution is quite simple and two-fold. Working to get rid of flabby arms comes with overall fitness but there's some specific exercises you can do in addition to reducing body fat that will bring those arms into super shape once again.

How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms

On just another normal day, I received an email with a cry for help.

How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms
How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms

"I would like to know how to build up the muscle around the humerous bones of the upper arms. I would like to know how to build up the muscle around the humerous bones of the upper arms. I want to get rid of flabby upper arms!"

For starters...

The muscle that is most problematic for flabby arms is called: The Tricep

Most women think of these things when it comes to that area:

* flabby arms * exercise for flabby arms * tone flabby arms * how to get rid of flabby arms * flabby arm help * flabby upper arms * etc

There are really two key concepts to that particular predicament. Keep in mind that this is such a common question so you are certainly not alone in this. But just keep reading because the answer is pretty simple and may surprise you!

First, get the idea out of your head that there's any such thing as 'spot reduction.' Meaning, if you do certain exercises for that area, the fat will magically disappear just from there and your arms will suddenly be taunt and tone again. Let me give you a real quick lesson on fat. Don't worry this is going to be easy.

Your body stores fat. It stores it in general areas that are common to you as a female. Most men store the most fat in their stomachs. Women tend to store it in their thighs, hips and buttocks. But with anything, you can and will store fat wherever. So the first thing you want to do is...

Reduce the body fat period!

Once you start to reduce fat, you'll see it disappear. Don't bother with creams and rubs and all the other gimmicks out there. You cannot spot reduce. Your body stores fat and the only way to reduce fat in any particular area that is bothering you is to reduce fat period from your body as a whole.

For all these reasons,...

Your first mission, should you choose to accept it, is to reduce the body fat.

Second, in order for that area of your arm to become tone, you'll want to build muscle in the back of the arm. That is called the Tricep and there's several good exercise you can do to build up that area.

But first, let me give you a list of some of the best exercises for flabby arms that will focus on the tricep and help you develop the area and make it stronger. This isn't all inclusive but it's some of the more common and better exercises you can do for the back of the arms.

* Weighted dips * Close grip bench press * Close grip push ups * Lying barbell French press * Overhead cable extensions * Cable press downs * Reverse cable press downs


Many people are caught up in the idea that in order for them to get rid of a problematic area they need to just work it out and do some exercises to target that area.

But that's only half of the solution as you've read.

By working out the area AND reducing body fat, you will progress at twice the speed and make twice the visual differences.

Let's suppose you only worked out the back of the arms. The muscle would be stronger and firmer no doubts, but it might not show IF your level of body fat is such that the muscle is still covered up.

As you see, by doing both, you will tone up (build) the tricep and make it more visible when the layer of fat that covers it up is reduced.

Men and women who want to reduce the 'flabby' anything simply have to realize that it's a combination of body fat in that area, maybe loose skin and a muscle that generally needs to be developed in order to be taunt.

But I'm getting way ahead of myself!

This is a two fold mission.

1- Reduce body fat

2- Do specific exercises to build muscle in the back of the arm so that once the fat is gone, you'll have a tricep and it will appear tight and tone

In a nutshell what this will do for you is make the back of your arms less flabby as the fat is lost from your body and the new muscle will bring added tone and tightness to the back of your arm.

Copyright 2005 Marc David

 How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms

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